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  • What is Bloody Good Employers?
    It’s an HR initiative from Bloody Good Period for bold, forward-thinking, all-human employers who want their employees to be able to bring their whole selves to work and feel supported when they do it. It’s for employers who are ready to go beyond just talking about periods to create huge, long-term positive change to normalise menstruation in our workplaces, and support everyone who menstruates at work.
  • I'm interested. What should I do next?
    That’s great to hear! Simply book a telephone consultation with us and our Programme Managers will walk you through the process.
  • I'm an employee and I want my company to do this but I don't work in HR. What can I do?
    Congrats on taking the initiative to drive this work forward! We have a template available to help you with putting together your proposal. Get in touch at to request a copy. You can also book a call with us — we’re happy to help!
  • Why is Bloody Good Period doing this work?
    We’re doing this work because we’re tired of the support offered to those who menstruate at work coming up short. So first and foremost, this is to improve the lives of employees across the UK. But this work also plays an essential role for Bloody Good Period’s core work too. The money we raise goes straight into the heart of the charity, ensuring we can continue to drive forward on delivering period products, education sessions, and develop our advocacy work too.
  • How will Bloody Good Period deliver Bloody Good Employer Training?
    We’ll be delivering this work in phases. Phase One is setting expectations together for the work. Phase Two is Monitoring and Evaluation so we have an idea of where you’re currently at as an employer. Phase Three is the learning through three workshops. Phase Four is review and re-evaluation. Each phase will be steered by our Programme Manager, and the workshops will be delivered by one of our Facilitators.
  • Will we meet up for training, or will it be online?
    For now, all work will be delivered online. We hope this will change in the not too distant future, as we want to come and see you in your brilliant workplaces. However, we have to tread carefully for now.
  • How long does Certification take?
    We are suggesting a 12 month period from the beginning of Phase One to certification. However, employers might want to drive real momentum into the work, meaning they complete things more quickly, or they may want to take their time, in which case this might look more like 18 months. We’re flexible, but as with most things, a balance between building momentum and allowing time for reflection feels like the way to go. The time this takes will likely be impacted by the size of the employer.
  • What will the impact of Bloody Good Employers be?
    We’re aiming to help UK employers improve in the key areas of communications, culture, and ultimately policies. You can see more about the impact we’re hoping to achieve here. We developed this early stage theory of change work early on in our journey and we’ll be re-visiting it once we’ve started working with employers to evolve it, and to track how the work is landing.
  • Is this about offices providing period products for employees?
    That’s part of it. But UK employers need to do a lot more to ensure that individuals experiencing menstruation at work are properly supported. Making sure you support colleagues is about much more than offering free period products. As helpful as it will be to many women and people who menstruate to access products at work (like we do toilet paper), we want employers to have policies which don't negatively impact those who suffer from painful and debilitating menstrual conditions. And maybe most importantly of all, this is about fostering a culture of open communication, which not only sets contexts where employees can ask for more support, but encourages managers to educate themselves too. This will mean managers instigate more proactive conversations with their teams, taking the onus off the individual, so taking more responsibility for wellbeing and professional progress.
  • Which employers should get Bloody Good Employer Certified?
    We want all UK employers to become Bloody Good Employers. Simple as that. There are improvements to be made across the whole employer spectrum, but there is particular progress to be made in male dominated sectors like construction, or in sectors that offer more challenging working conditions like retail. We want you all!
  • Is this just for women at work?
    Absolutely not! The patriarchal working patterns that are often still so prevalent in the UK are a key part of the problem here. The system doesn’t currently work for anyone who menstruates, and we’re here to help change that, creating more human centred workplaces fit for today and ready for tomorrow. Men need to play active roles in recognising the need for change, helping to sign off on doing this work, and getting properly involved throughout.
  • What does re-certification involve?
    In order to re-certify for a further 24 months, we will work together to complete self evaluation and staff interviews to check in on how well you are doing to maintain supportive practices for people who menstruate. The team will report back with their assessment and any potential areas for further development. There is a small fee associated with re-accreditation, but this can be reduced or removed by successfully referring the programme to other employers.
  • What are the costs associated with becoming a Bloody Good Employer?
    We have a pricing model that considers your employer’s size and sector, allowing us to make the work more accessible to smaller employers or those within the third or public sector. As a social enterprise, the profit we generate is donated back to support Bloody Good Period’s work in getting period products and education to refugees, asylum seekers and those who need it in the UK. Get in touch with us for a quote!

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